We are very happy with the many lovely reactions we received from you! Week after week you keep on encouraging and supporting us – thank you for that.

And: you have been sending us some great tips, ideas, and suggestions. We are happy to share them with everyone, so enjoy exploring and trying them out!

tip #08

I picked up an old hobby of mine: I started painting again. Often outside, with this nice weather. And always with classical music playing in the background.

tip #07

Baking our own bread: I pick the ingredients, my husband kneads the dough. So delicious!

tip #06

The Winter by Breughel: 2000 puzzle pieces transform into a grand tableau the size of a table, with Klara playing in the background!

tip #05

My eldest daughter puts out a little trolley (many hikers pass by their street) filled with all kinds of toys that her children no longer play with. The bypassing children can take with them whatever they please. A splendid idea, in my opinion!

tip #04

Every afternoon I try to work out for about two hours, always accompanied by music! Some gym-exercises, some dancing – whatever I’m in the mood for.

tip #03

Travelling the world and visiting the most beautiful museums that are currently free of charge. I enjoy the paintings and discover many new painters.

tip #02

My alarm clock still follows the rhythm of ‘work’. Instead of driving to the office I begin every day of the week with a hike. I’m discovering so much in my neighbourhood!
miss piggy

tip #01

Not that original but still, we enjoy it: reading, and solving puzzles! We puzzle together but miss our grandchildren to help us out with the tiny pieces…