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July 2024

Steve Reich goes global


from African percussion and Indonesian gamelan to Hebrew cantillation – discover it all in the music of Steve Reich

Composer's note


Cenotaph Requiem, an epitaph to all who served in the First World War - read the composer's note by Simon Haw

the voices of today


In What We Trust explores the beliefs and values of today's youth: what do they still believe in nowadays? - we had a conversation about it with Maud Vanhauwaert

In What We Trust - Film Pick


coming-of-age cinema and the quest for meaning - discover the film selection by Robin Broos

Mahler 3: programme notes


"my Third Symphony will be something the like of which the world has never yet heard–in it, the whole of nature finds a voice" - read the programme notes

Voice of Illumination


Michèle Losier performs the alto solo in Mahler's Third Symphony: "it is an honour for me to sit in the middle of the orchestra, in those majestic symphonies, experiencing the overwhelming emotions"

In What We Trust: programme notes


a belief in two times and two tonalities, that’s the message you get from In What We Trust - read the programme notes



In What We Trust is a brand-new production featuring several young members from the collective LARF! - read the interview.

Schönberg, the painter


from scores to brushes: we know Arnold Schönberg as a groundbreaking composer, educator, and theorist, but also as a painter - find out more

Shades of Schönberg: programme notes


in his lifetime, Arnold Schönberg received many extremely nasty reactions from the audience, why is that? - read the programme notes

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