The Vlaams Radiokoor has always had a special place in its heart for contemporary music – and all the more so when it comes from our own homeland. Flemish music is in our DNA!

From its creation in 1937, the Radio Choir performed music by ‘our’ Flemish composers – and continues to do so today.

Together with ComAV, the Radio Choir issued a call last summer for new choral music by Flemish composers, the result of which was ‘Les Flandriens’: submissions came flowing in by seasoned composers as well as new talent. They were recorded in the studio and will now also be heard live in the concert hall. Flemish choral music is alive and kicking!


Compositions by:
Bart Vandewege / Daan Janssens / Dietrich van Akelyen / Erika Budai / Geert Van Der Straeten / Hans Helsen / Jan Moeyaert / Michiel Verfaillie / Nicholas De Cock / Noah Thys / Peter Pazmany / Peter Pieters / Piet Swert

Winners Composition contest Vic Nees 2020
Lara Denies
Stijn Dierckx

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winning composers

We will premiere music by, amongst others, Lara Denies and Stijn Dierckx, winners of the Vic Nees Composition Contest.

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flemish composers

Read more about the composers of Les Flandriens.

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Venue: AMUZ

Location: Kammenstraat 81 | 2000 Antwerp
Phone: +32 3 292 36 80

Tickets & Info: +32 3 227 35 37

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